COM_TAG_LISTDoreen Virtue
For many of us it is the time to learn and work on yourself. This is not an easy time, if only because there is no universal knowledge, and everyone goes along with the soul’s own unique and lonely path. Where you are going; the soul is going. Both of you are in transition. It happens that we take one step forward and two backward...
"You were born as a messenger of light to heal. God and his angels know which specific role in healing will bring you the most joy; so they guide you through intuitive impulses to certain aspects of healing. Some of the messengers of light will enjoy the psychic (medium) healing; while others will engage in emotional healing, teaching, arts, counselling, writing, media or hundreds of other important roles.
Your inner guide will lead you to the place and role in healing that belongs to you. Thanks to the internal conviction, you will learn what you should acquire; in practice or theoretical preparation.