Our divinity

You are the Holy Trinity. The Christian Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are in fact the allegory of you and the simple mystery of existence; God, Son means you and the Holy Spirit is your soul. That is all.
You contain all of this in yourself. You are perfect, complete and finite. This is the whole truth about the great mystery of existence. The fact that the Holy Grail is you. You do not need anyone or anything to manage your existence. Do not seek the truth outside; do not seek it in other people. Seek it in yourself because you carry it in your heart.
The secret is to love yourself. Understand that you are self-sufficient, a fully autonomous entity which decides for itself. Of course you cannot go through life without interacting with other people. However you need to remember; only you decide about yourself. No one has the right to impose anything on you. Decisions can be made by compromise; not dictatorship.
The bases is to respect the independence of another person.
Wherever you go; God goes with you. You-Soul-God creates the Holy Trinity; the smallest cell of the Universe. Everything begins from you.
You have the power to unite these aspects. You have the power to follow the path of your divine destiny.
You are the child of God. The heir of all that your divine origin carries.
I wish you all abundance.