The revolution will take place quietly - in the interiors of our hearts.
If the soul/inner voice/your intuition asks you to do something and this is consistent with your heart then do it. If there is truth in you, which you carry in yourself and you want to talk about it – do it. This is the right time. You will be supported in this. You will be led. Each of you according to the task that the soul has chosen.
With a wave of changes, the souls of the star volunteers are coming to the Earth. Souls who incarnate at this time for a specific purpose and for specific tasks. These are souls of the Light Workers. Souls who want to participate/ assist the Earth and humanity in the process of rising. Some of you are already doing this; another is in transition and others are preparing themselves and for some time of implementation has not yet begun.
Every day there is more and more of us. The process of liberation will succeed because it is the will of the Father-Mother God. The enslavement of humanity, the damage of the Earth and the usurpation forces have become so large that there is a need for interference in the path of humanity. This is good. Where is this world is heading in its present form? To extermination. Part of humanity will experience this.
The task of the Light Workers is working towards shifting the collective consciousness. The revolution will take place quietly – in the space of our hearts.
The time has come when, apart from the individual spiritual path, it is expected of us concrete actions for the general public.
If this message causes resonance in you; express your will. You will be led.
If you are afraid, you do not feel confident or you do not believe in yourself; these following intentions will be helpful:
- I want to release the fear of seeing the future.
- I want to release the fear of seeing the truth.
- I am safe because I follow my soul, to see the truth.
- My perspective is perfectly organized and illuminated by love.
- The possibility of seeing is safe for me.
- I love to look at the beautiful glow of the healing light of my angels.
- I trust in what I see, knowing that it is always for my good. /(Affirmations from Doreen Virtue)
Courage, self-confidence and trust.