At the dawn of a new human development cycle.

We lived to see. We are at the threshold of a huge energy leap, for which we have been prepared since 2012. We are asking for an energetic octave higher in experience, to the next developmental fractal. It is in less than two weeks.
Soon we will experience another big energy leap (transition) through the evolution of Earth and humanity.
The soul wrapped itself from the Earth Sources to the spiritual home to wait there for the passage time. Everyone's eyes are directed to the earthly world at such an important moment, for which we have been prepared since 2012. We enter the energetic octave higher. In the future, we will have one more such strong transition. It will be around 2027-2029. We will then enter a new era in the existence of humanity. Of course, everything depends on how things evolve. The developmental fractal comes full circle in a seven to nine year cycle. The current fractal has lasted eight years, since December 2012. (By 2029, it's been almost 20 years of change.)
The energy transition time will last from the spring solstice to the summer equinox, i.e. from March 20/21 to around June 22/23. Plus minus a few days. This cannot be measured from a ruler or set specific boundaries because everything is done at the energy level and it is fluid.
The soul has been in the original Earth Sources since January (you can read about it here). First she studied, then she did work inside the planet, with other Souls, in cooperation with Beings / civilizations living in the depths of the Earth. The planet at the level of physicality is weakened, violated by human activities. There are such Beings on Earth - crystal, water, natural worlds, as well as internal civilizations whose task is to support the planet through existence / experience.
The planet's structures are strained by underground and underwater nuclear tests. Earth's ecosystems, especially oceanic ones, are seriously affected. Disturbed balance in the circle of life. Many species leave forever due to the exploitation and pollution of their natural aquatic and forest environments. The exploitation of deposits and minerals violates the energy flow networks. These are the facts. If we don't wake up and stop disturbing our balance, we will bring the world and ourselves to destruction. The next decade is the last chance to change the path.
You don't have to despair. Real action must be taken to improve the situation. We need to unite in this field and work together to improve. Earth is our home and our mother. Could you look calmly when someone closest to your heart disappears? Earth is such a being to me. A unique treasure in the scale of the universes.
A number of Beings / Souls work to help strengthen and harmonize the planet in transition. We need to support the Earth in the smoothest possible leap so that it manifests itself as calmly as possible at the level of matter and the elements of the planet. Currently, this is the main task of the Beings engaged in work to harmonize and strengthen this world with source energies (high vibrations). It is also done because of humanity and our evolution. Those who are already awake and connected in a field of heart in themselves and with life, with the world, are called to support and work for Earth. Such people are transmitters of God's energy in this world and create on the surface a mandala of light of illuminated hearts. They awake others, support the planet with the crystalline energies of their own hearts.
We live in such times when it looks into the future does not make sense, because we shape it here and now with personal choices and evolution. In a word, what is happening now builds future events. In a moment another breakthrough on the road. Everything is changing rapidly. It is unusual to be able to participate consciously.
The Earth's magnetic field has a great impact on the energy of life on the planet, and therefore also of man at all levels. For emotional body, mind work, body energy. Nature is synchronized with it in a natural way. We, the people, are not at the moment of the road, that's why changes are painful for us. In the processes of return we are to return to our original frequencies and unification with Mother Earth. You need to synchronize with the energies of the planet again. Time to return to paradise.
The transition period will not be easy for our energies and the body, also at the planet level. Symptoms: old matters, energies, experiences may come out / vibrate. Everything that is still incompatible with the personal source pattern and the planet's current light pattern will be moved. It is not without reason that the transition takes place in stages. It is because of us - people. We would not be ready to accept the whole at once, because our being is not large enough. We are in the process of evolution and energetic extension to be able to contain source energies. This is done, among others through energy cleansing, tight system frameworks and experience blockades at energy and body levels. It will be a difficult time, especially for the physical body, which endures such strong energy shifts lightly, because it is dense matter, still heavily laden with old experimental parameters. It is slowly changing.
Various transition symptoms may occur: recurrence of old diseases, injuries, chronic diseases. Everything that is still relatively heavily burdened with energy will vibrate in us. You have to wait it out or see a doctor if you need to. It is also worth observing yourself closely at this time. "Weak points" will also show clearly at the level of energy, emotions, programs of the mind and body. You will be able to look closely at yourself. I am very curious what will come out, or I hope to be pleasantly surprised. For me it is a time of personal verification and indication of further areas to work. Energy will do it with surgical precision.
We have already undergone many transformations. Those who were up to date with the wave and are ready to jump, went into a state of waiting, internal calm, a bit like stopping. Personally, this condition has been with me since mid-January and is constantly getting stronger. It's like waiting for the first rays of the rising sun, where the aura of sunrise is already visible in the sky. Excitement.
So if you're still in trial, they can get worse during the transition. After entering new energies, there may be a noticeable change in quality and a new / different energy configuration should be shown, which is like a rack on which your individual energy / path will be embedded to further follow, develop and discover yourself. In energies feel excitement, but also calm down, waiting, tension before moving on. It has been very windy with us for three days. Everything moved to the bottom. All you need is to position yourself in your inner mindfulness and flow in response to the circumstances. We have three months of energy storm ahead of us before everything collapses and a new energy configuration appears. The soul says it will inform when the transition is over.
There is an atmosphere in the spiritual home as if everyone were gathering and taking seats to watch an extremely important and exciting match. Everything happens on a regular basis and no one can predict with certainty how it will end. It's really an amazing time. The eyes of the Universe and Divine Attention are directed at us. Do you realize how unusual this is in the vastness of the Ocean of Creation? A tiny man, on a tiny beautiful Earth, somewhere on the borders of the Universe, has focused the attention of the entire Divine Creation / Universes.
The soul says that heart and blood pressure people will feel particularly difficult at this time. Take care of yourself. This is the time when you need to pay attention, listen to the body, to yourself. A lot to rest, sleep as needed, harmonize, stay in the field of the Earth (Mama heals us), in the space of trees, water, elements, crystals. Light, healthy eating is key at this time. Fresh, high-vibrating, light, raw food, fruit and vegetable juices, a small amount, meals, water, moderate movement, strengthening the body. We need to support our physical clothes in the passage. Matter is the most difficult to endure strong energetic shocks, which we have been experiencing for several years.
We may feel tired, aching, moved internally. Again, headaches, intense dreams, tinnitus, strange states of body and energy, transcendental experiences (it turns out how you are opened at the level of multidimensional self). All in all, everything we go through the last years, only intensified. There may be a feeling of chaos, confusion on internal levels. Find a way to harmonize. Reverse pole - that is, united states, a surge of energy and vitality is also possible. The most important thing is to remain calm and trust. Climbing anxiety levels, aggravate the transition. Trust the guidance of the Universes, trust the protection of the Soul. Trust in God's Will. God has announced a successful change and man will return home. No word is above His word, above Himself. Changes take place under the watchful eye of God. Can there be better / higher care? Trust.
The transition period will not be easy for our energies and the body, also at the planet level. Symptoms: old matters, energies, experiences may come out / vibrate. Everything that is still incompatible with the personal source pattern and the planet's current light pattern will be moved. It is not without reason that the transition takes place in stages. It is because of us - people. We would not be ready to accept the whole at once, because our being is not large enough. We are in the process of evolution and energetic extension to be able to contain source energies. This is done, among others through energy cleansing, tight system frameworks and experience blockades at energy and body levels. It will be a difficult time, especially for the physical body, which endures such strong energy shifts lightly, because it is dense matter, still heavily laden with old experimental parameters. It is slowly changing.
Various transition symptoms may occur: recurrence of old diseases, injuries, chronic diseases. Everything that is still relatively heavily burdened with energy will vibrate in us. You have to wait it out or see a doctor if you need to. It is also worth observing yourself closely at this time. "Weak points" will also show clearly at the level of energy, emotions, programs of the mind and body. You will be able to look closely at yourself. I am very curious what will come out, or I hope to be pleasantly surprised. For me it is a time of personal verification and indication of further areas to work. Energy will do it with surgical precision.
We have already undergone many transformations. Those who were up to date with the wave and are ready to jump, went into a state of waiting, internal calm, a bit like stopping. Personally, this condition has been with me since mid-January and is constantly getting stronger. It's like waiting for the first rays of the rising sun, where the aura of sunrise is already visible in the sky. Excitement.
So if you're still in trial, they can get worse during the transition. After entering new energies, there may be a noticeable change in quality and a new / different energy configuration should be shown, which is like a rack on which your individual energy / path will be embedded to further follow, develop and discover yourself. In energies feel excitement, but also calm down, waiting, tension before moving on. It has been very windy with us for three days. Everything moved to the bottom. All you need is to position yourself in your inner mindfulness and flow in response to the circumstances. We have three months of energy storm ahead of us before everything collapses and a new energy configuration appears. The soul says it will inform when the transition is over.
Let's take care of ourselves during this time. How? You know it intuitively. The body will also show you. The point is that we should go through this time as smoothly as possible. And the possibilities are different, depending on the level of internal purification and source parameters in us.
The soul says: you are very well prepared energetically for this stage of the road. At the right place and time. The body is a bit worse, so it can take its toll. Sleep more, rest and it will be good. Also remember that I look at you all the time. If something happened, I would act. The point is to feel the current of change.
And ok. In total, for the fourth year, man tolerates the pains of change at all levels. I'm used to it, so we can do it this time. The ground (for me) is to know / understand what is going on so that the head is calm. I am also very curious. I'm focused on observing myself and what is in the world. For Earth observation. I also recommend you. A conscious man is a mindful man. Set the internal antennas to navigate the heart and soul, and forward. We will go through a great energetic scan.
I also understand that what has happened in recent months was a preparation for this moment - for the transition to the next energy fractal. It was very intense, both at the energy level and at the body level. We experience it globally. This was clearly seen during the hospital stay and the number of people who came for help.
Spread the post. The point is for as many people as possible to know what will happen in the near future. Information will be available to families, relatives and people at work. Knowledge is the key. Anyone ready will accept it. It's you - you are awakened lanterns in your environments. Light for those who are still sleeping. You will explain to others what will happen and what will not fit in people's heads.
The wave is accelerating in a few days. An extraordinary time and an extraordinary place where we found ourselves on Earth. Remember: you wanted to be human here in this evolutionary moment in the history of the Universes. Trust the river of life. Trust in Existence. Trust in the lead. You are taken care of. What will we find when the transition energies fall? What new stage? Many of the things we've done up to now will become energetically outdated and we won't be able to do them anymore. In both individual and global dimensions. We are entering higher and higher energy levels. I am very curious what to do next. This is also what excites my Soul and what she likes. You (we) are in a very good place and time on the energy wave, optimally set for events / changes.
Nature revolves around you, preparing to flourish again. Here I find a constant. I am a child of stars. I am a child of the earth.
You are a child of stars. You are a child of the Earth.
One more question: does the transition to the next, higher dimension mean the end of quarantine in the 3rd and 4th dimensions of the Earth? Probably, but I don't know for sure because I still don't have the answer. Time / experience will show.
And another important aspect at the end: the transition, which is about to begin, is also very important because, entering new energy levels, we eventually escape the shadow pole beings in this world. After that, it will only get better, which of course is a process taking place in time.
We do our own thing for the world. We stick to the vertical in a time of global viral, and in a moment social, economic, economic, religious, political madness. The structure of the system begins to fall apart into a new one. It is amazing how important time is covered by anxiety. Most people will not be aware of what is happening, so there will be an additional field of worry ... This is the world: white and black. Well. Life goes on.
Greetings to Space Travelers.
Ps. During the transition it is worth looking at the cosmic weather and Schumann Resonance. You will be able to observe the energy wave and position yourself accordingly.
11:11/ 11.03.2020
When translating, I use a translator, so it is not a professional translation, but it is understandable and here it is all about.
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Conversations with the Soul at the threshold of the passage.